The Skin & Wellbeing Clinic is a popular little clinic and your late cancellation or no show means that we lose money on the limited appointment slot that could have otherwise been given to someone else. So, if you are unable to make your appointment for any reason, please do give us a minimum of 48 hours notice so that we have the time to book another client in.
We’re trying to keep things light-hearted of course, but we do mean it when we say that if you let us down regularly, we will be unable to allow you to book appointments with us. Don’t worry though, you can redeem yourself by paying for the appointments you missed (costs incurred by us only), and we’ll wipe the slate clean and pick up where we left off.
If you have booked a consultation or a treatment with us, just keep in touch and give us plenty of notice if you are unable to make it. We fully understand that life throws us all a curve ball from time to time, and we will be fully sympathetic towards legitimate reasons for non-attendance. We’ll try our best to do our part too by sending you reminders ahead of your appointment time.