When it comes to ageing, and reducing the signs of ageing, no treatment is more globally popular, or effective, than anti-wrinkle injections. These are otherwise known as Botox injections. But how do anti wrinkle injections work? And which particular wrinkles can they target and treat? Well, here at The Skin and Wellbeing Clinic, we are […]
Author Archives: The Skin & Wellbeing Clinic Preston
With the weather really hotting up, and holidays abroad being planned, it’s a good time to consider the effect that the sun has on our skin, and the things we can do to protect it. The facial skin is often the most effected by the sunlight, as this is often more exposed than any other […]
Smoking is a habit that can have a range of serious health consequences, which most of us know about already. But do you know what kind of effect smoking has on the skin? Especially the facial skin and tissue? Well, unfortunately smoking is is second only to ageing, as the strongest predictor of facial wrinkles! […]
Recently we brought you an article all about collagen. Collagen is a substance that is found around the body, including the face, and helps to provide structure and stability, as well as volume. But this works in partnership with another substance known as elastin. So what is the role of elastin? And how does the […]
When it comes to anti-ageing treatments, two very scientific sounding words are always thrown around: collagen and elastin. These are both substances that play an important role in the appearance of the skin, and the structure of your face. The two work together, cohesively, but each substance requires different types of treatment to replace and […]
The ageing process takes its toll on every part of the body, from the muscles and bones, to your skin. And it is the visual impact of this process, particularly on the face, that is something many people want to avoid, or rectify. This can include reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, or preventing […]
What a month it’s been at our humble little skin clinic! The really big news is that Debbie has gone and got herself hitched to a very lucky bloke indeed! The proposal was made during a romantic weekend away in the Lake District last week and Debbie blushingly accepted the offer! Alongside this, Debbie is […]
Over the past 9 years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of men opting for surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Particularly those that can reduce the signs of ageing, and help to maintain a youthful appearance. But why is this? And what are the most popular facial treatments for men? Well, here […]
Frown lines are one of the first expression lines that we start to develop. Somtimes these can appear as early as the late twenties, or early thrities, and this can make you seem much older than you are. As a result, frown lines can have a really negative impact on self esteen and confidence. And […]
In the fight against the signs of ageing, there are plenty of treatment options to choose from. Anti-wrinkle injections can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and even work as a preventive to stop these occurring in the first place. While dermal fillers can replace volume, prevent sagging, and tackle lines […]