halloween 2024

Halloween is creeping up!

Treat yourself to glowing skin or surprise someone with a gift card – because who says pampering has to be scary?


Turn that frown upside down!

happy girl after a visit to the skin and wellbeing clinic in Preston

Frown lines are one of the first expression lines that we start to develop. Somtimes these can appear as early as the late twenties, or early thrities, and this can make you seem much older than you are. As a result, frown lines can have a really negative impact on self esteen and confidence. And while there are a wealth of over the counter treatments available, none of them will be as effective as anti-wrinkle injections. So how can you use anti- wrinkle injections to tackle frown lines? Well, here at the Skin and Wellbeing Clinic, we are Preston’s leading anti-wrinkle injection professionals. And this is our guide to everything you should know about frown lines.

What are frown lines?

Frown lines, or glabellar lines, are lines that appear on your forehead, above the bridge of the nose in between the eyes. This region of the face is known as the glabellar complex, hence being called the glabellar lines.

What causes frown lines?

So, why do frown lines appear? And why do some people get frown lines at a young age? Well, frown lines are expression lines that are formed when you move your muscles to form particular facial expressions. Over time, your skin will no longer return to it’s original position, and this means that the frown lines will stay, even when you are not frowning.

How do frown lines effect your appearance?

In general, frown lines can make you look angry, or mad, when you’re not. And this can make it difficult for other people to recognize your emotions, while also being challenging for you to deal with. So, what can you do?

Anti-Wrinkle injections to tackle frown lines

Anti-wrinkle injections are one of the most effective cosmetic treatment options when it comes to reducing the appearance of fine lines, expression lines and wrinkles. For frown lines, these injections will be applied into the muscle in the glabellar complex, essentially the muscles that are responsible for forming expressions. And this injection will then relax the muscle, dramatically reducing movement, so that your skin can have chance to reset and repair. As a result, your frown lines will be greatly reduced, and your skin will be a whole lot smoother.

Anti-wrinkle injections can also be used as a preventative treatment to stop frown lines developing at all. This is because the muscles will be relaxed, so expressions like frowning will not be as frequent or common, preventing frown lines from ever occurring in the first place.

After your anti-wrinkle injections

The best thing about anti-wrinkle injections is that the whole procedure will only last for around 20 minutes, and you can leave immediately after. You might notice some slight swelling, redness or a small puncture, but this will fade within a few days. It’s important not to touch, rub or massage your face after the treatment, for the first 4 hours.

For professional anti-wrinkle injections to reduce the appearance of your frown lines, get in touch with the team today, here at the Skin and Wellbeing Clinic in Preston.

The Skin and Wellbeing Clinic is proud to provide professional aesthetics treatments for clients in Preston, Blackpool, Leyland, Chorley, Kirkham, Blackburn and the North West of England. Our key treatments and services include Anti Wrinkle Injections, Dermal Fillers, Laser Hair Removal, Acne Treatments, Injectable Polynucleotides, and much more.